PHSE – invitation for parents and carers to attend a Zoom meeting

28th May 2021
You will be aware that, as a part of your child’s educational experience at Shanklea Primary School, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensively taught programme of Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE) that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future.
The Department for Education (DfE) is making Relationships and Health Education compulsory in all primary schools. Primary schools are also strongly encouraged to deliver sex education to help prepare children for their transition to secondary school.
Most schools are already delivering very effective Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and the new guidance is simply about ensuring that all children get the information they need and want. The lessons will help children to learn about their bodies including the changes that take place at puberty, and will help keep them safe, so they can form healthy relationships (friendships) with others, now and in the future. At our school we are using the leading children’s health and wellbeing charity, Coram Life Education (CLE) to support us in meeting these legal requirements.
Parents and carers are invited to join a Zoom meeting on Monday 7th June at 4.30pm so we can present the reasons why the DFE feel it is important for primary schools to deliver these subjects. The aim of the meeting is to inform you as parents about the guidance and how we are planning to do this at
Shanklea. There will be the chance to see a few of the resources we will be using too.
Due to it being a Zoom meeting there will be no opportunity to ask questions but we will follow up the Zoom meeting with a google doc questionnaire where you will be able to give feedback on the delivery and ask any questions you may have. The rationale behind this is that we work together to create a curriculum that meets the needs of all children at Shanklea Primary. We will send the link to join the meeting after the half-term break.