Relationships and Health Education

11th June 2021
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended the virtual meeting held on Monday 7th June about how Relationships and Health Education (RSE) are taught in school. We really appreciate your support. The presentation materials and related documentation may be found on the school website under the RSE Parent Consultation tab.
This week we have sent out a letter providing more detailed information about school’s obligations and our approach along with a draft copy of our Personal, Social, Health and Economic/ Relationships and Sex Education Policy (PSHE/RSE Policy.) Parents and carers play a vital role and your feedback is very important. A Google Form has been sent separately to allow families to provide this. We would be very grateful if parents and carers could provide their feedback by Monday 14th June if at all possible. Thank you to everyone who has already responded. If anyone has any problems, please contact our Office Team.