All staff at Shanklea Primary School are dedicated to providing an inclusive, nurturing and balanced curriculum through which all children make progress and achieve their full potential. Through support and dedication, children at Shanklea are able to access the curriculum, supplemented with appropriate interventions and/or adaptations. The following information is detailed in Shanklea's SEND Information Report: Â
1. Shanklea’s contextual information.
2. What is SEND and how do I know my child needs extra support?
3. Staff responsible for overseeing SEND at Shanklea.
4. What will happen if a concern is identified?
5. How is my child’s learning evaluated, reviewed and assessed?
6. What is the impact of Shanklea’s provision for pupils with SEND?
7. What are the arrangements for supporting pupils in moving between phases of education?
8. As a parent, how will you help me to support my child?
9. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
10. How accessible is Shanklea?
11. What about my child’s medical needs?
12. Safeguarding pupils with SEND
13. What are Shanklea’s admission arrangements for pupils with SEND?
14. What are the arrangements for handling complaints made by parents of children with SEND?
If you'd like to speak to someone in school about your child, please contact our SENDCo, Mrs Crowther:ÂÂ
Please see our Policies Page for the SEND Report and SEND Policy.